Happy New Year! (2014 Goals)

January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! Hello 2014! Shoot, I can’t believe it’s actually 2014! Shouldn’t we have flying cars and robots running cleaning our dishes? I remember when I was little and the thought of 2014 seemed like unrealistic thing… now, we’re here!

I never like to do the traditional, as many of you who have followed me for a while will know. This goes for holidays and such. So, I don’t do “resolutions.” It drives. me. nuts. I prefer to phrase it as “goals” for the next year. They tend to be broad, leave a lot to interpretation, and I don’t hold myself responsible/have a schedule–I just try my best.

Here are a few of my Goals for 2014 (both professionally and personally).

1. Change Blog Platforms

I am working on this as I type this. I am hoping to switch my blog over to WordPress so that I can better integrate The Curvy Elle Shop and have more control over this site. 

2.  Expand The Curvy Elle

This represents a multitude of things.  I want to set up my showroom and studio so it is conducive to receiving clients/customers. I want to offer (locally) styling sessions. I would like to have some guest posts for this blog. As well as many more things! A lot of these things will be in conjunction with #1. Be on the lookout!

3. Romance

I am always trying to be better with this department in my life. I am still currently single, but this past year I have opened myself up a lot to meeting new people. I want to do more of this for the coming year. Make myself available to possibly  meet someone special, when or whomever that may be.

4. Get More Inspired

This is a tough one! It’s so easy to get lax and in a rut. I need to continually be pushing myself to keep the passion alive. I meant this for all parts of my life!

5. Live Healthy

This comes and goes, but I know when I am eating healthy and being active in my life, I am most happy. 

 Holiday Sale at The Curvy Elle Shop!!!


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