Plus Size + Pregnant

[Plus Size + Pregnant] SECOND TRIMESTER

July 14, 2015




As the end of the second trimester of my pregnancy comes to a close, I’ve started  to reflect on what this trimester has been like. I have past the most worrisome part of pregnancy and have passed all the genetic testing as “low risk.”  This has let me focus on other things that are important.



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1. It’s a…

GIRL! Well, at least that’s what they told me from the ultra sound. I keep on hearing so many stories about people being told they were having girls and when the baby was born it was a BOY. This has made me a bit hesitant to get attached to the idea that it will actually be a girl.


My husband thinks I’m silly to worry about this, but I feel that I won’t believe that it’s actually a girl until it’s born and I see that she doesn’t have a penis! (haha – but, in all seriousness, that’s true.) I really don’t want to get too emotionally invested in it being a girl and then it’s a boy. I’m okay with either, and I want to stay okay with either.




2. Hello Baby!

The movement started out as little “flutters” in my lower abdomen at night while I did back exercises on the floor. I wasn’t even sure it was the baby at first. I thought it was muscle twinges or something. Now, I feel her all the time. It feels like tiny popping movements and they have continually gotten stronger and more often.  All this past weekend, she was going nuts — even responding to music! My husband was able to feel her for the first time! It’s kind of amazing and kind of disturbing, all at the same time!





3. Nursery

I’ve been working on a “Nursey” Pinterest Board since early days in my pregnancy. I am now actually starting to decorate. We already have the crib, mattress, and dresser/changing table. Now I can work on everything else! I really like the idea of an all white nursery with an accent color (see inspiration below, but I’m going for a lavender accent). More to come on this!







4. Baby Shower

It’s almost time for a baby shower! My mom, grandmother, and long time friend are planning a baby shower for me for the end of August. My husband and I have started to build up our baby registry — and to say the least, this is overwhelming! What do we really need? What is over kill? What does some of this shit do?!





5. Exercise

This one sounds kind of random, but it’s not. I’ve always been one to have regular exercise in my life. Especially during the last few weeks, we have been having really hot weather in the Bay Area. Add that with fatigue and low energy from pregnancy, I have not been up to doing exercise.


Short term, I felt better, but long term, I’ve started to have more anxiety and nervousness. I know part of this is from pregnancy itself and things that have been going on (i.e. wedding, wedding planning, etc.), the other part is from not exercising. I didn’t have a way of releasing a lot of tension and anxiety, but didn’t realize this until a few weeks later. I am now resigned up for my gym and trying to get back into the swing of things. I’m already feeling better.





6. Labor & Birth

I know this is something I should touch more on in depth in the future, but it is something that I’ve really started to think about. At the beginning of my pregnancy, labor and birthing were more of an abstract idea. I knew it would happen, but I hadn’t put much thought into it yet. Now that this is really becoming, well real. I’ve been thinking more and more on what I want my labor and birthing experience to be like.


Some things I know for sure:

– I would prefer to have natural child birth, but I don’t want to rule out drugs. If in the moment I feel I need help, I don’t want to feel guilty.

– I want to do everything possible not to have to have a caesarean section.

– I want to try for the easiest, fastest, best recovery possible.


The above means that I’m looking to give birth at a hospital that has the option of having a midwife, I’m reading books on birthing and natural child birth, and I’m signed up for some birthing classes. Nothing is set in stone, but I am feeling more and more comfortable with the idea of going through birth and labor.


**One book I am currently reading is, Ina May’s Guide to Birthing by Ina May Gaskin (Midwife).








7. Overall…


It’s hard to believe that  the thing that started out the size of a poppy seed, now is 8.5+ inches long and weight over 1.5 pounds. It looks more like a human than a “blob.” This means, this baby is actually happening. Seems so crazy that this living thing is inside of me. Another thing – summer is a bummer to be pregnant in! Heat makes everything way worse. But, the thought that I am getting closer day by day to meeting my baby, it’s all worth it!



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Check out more in the series of posts, titled ‘Plus Size + Pregnant’ !






July 8, 2015










Part of last week we were having quite a heat wave, and being both a weather whimp and pregnant, I decided to stay at home hibernating in front of the air conditioner.  It’s been a while since I’ve done much sewing, so I decided to put my home time to good use and make some skirts. Here is one of six I made in a two day period. The fabric is thrifted vintage (as are most of the fabrics I use for the skirts I make). It has a stretchy elastic waist and full skirt, so that it can fit a lot of different sizes (I labeled it Size 1X-3X).


I am also excited that I was able to do a photo shoot! Pregnancy lately has been a kick in the butt. Today was a good day and I tried to put it to good use with pictures and a trip to the gym. Think positive that there are more days like this in the near future, before baby comes!




< I’m Wearing:   Vintage Blue Sweater  –  The Curvy Elle   //   Blue Floral Swing Skirt  –  The Curvy Elle   //   White Sandals  –  Salt Water Sandals >



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