Posts from November 2014

…And so it Begins

November 21, 2014

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Until today I hadn’t felt the ol’ holiday anxiety, but this morning it roared it’s ugly head. I like holidays in a certain sense, but I tend to pick up everyone else’s  anxiety to be ready, get things done, travel where ever, etc.  Not to mention the crazy driving some people do this time of year! I really have nothing to worry about, but sometimes you can’t help fully how your mind and body react.

On a positive note – I’m excited to make and eat some of my favorite dishes this coming Thursday. Pecan pie, stuffing, potato salad… Yum! (Can you tell there will be a whole lotta side dishes and desert, and only a smidgen of turkey?!)



< I’m Wearing:   Vintage Black Bodycon Dress  –  The Curvy Elle   //   Brown Ferragamo Flats  –  Vintage (Similar) >



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