Posts from July 2012

Salt Lake City, UT

July 31, 2012

We made it in one day! The 12 hour drive wasn’t quite as bad with the help of a book on CD, lots of caffeine, and switching off driving.

Our first rest stop going almost to Lake Tahoe.
Still in California.

I don’t know if I would want to do it again, but it was a fun experience. The only bad news is, that we have to drive BACK!

California VERSUS…

Nevada Desert. What a contrast in scenery!

Some things I learned about road tripping across a desert: Keep your deodorant in a cooler–it will melt! It’s not as barren as the movies make it out to be. I didn’t see any cactus. The rest areas are permanent port-o-potties with no running water–so bring lots of anti-bacterial hand cleanser!

Next up for today–I’m excited to do some thrifting and we are visiting with relatives. I hope I can find lots of new treasures for The Store!

We finally made it to Utah at dusk!

Road Trip!

July 29, 2012

My grandparents, whose family are in Utah.

Bright and early tomorrow morning, the plan is to head to Utah! About 12 hours driving from the San Francisco Bay Area through the Nevada desert to Salt Lake City.  This is semi-last minute, which is probably good,  because if I thought about it too much I probably would change my mind about doing it!

This is a first.  My family has never been one for road trips. I have never been to Nevada as well. 

The only equivalent was a couple of times my grandparents (paternal) took my brother and I to Disneyland. This is a 6-8 hour drive and we would do it in two days because my grandparents loved making touristy pit stops.

For many years, every summer my mom and I would go to Utah and stay with my great aunt and uncle on their farm.  We would take little road trips around Utah and Idaho–seeing family grave yards, places of family history, and different tourist sights.

I’m not sure what the exact plan of action is once we get to Utah, I guess we’ll play it by ear!

Wish us luck on the journey ahead! I’m sure I will be posting updates throughout the week!

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